Questions & Answers


How many Old Testament prophecies did Jesus fulfill?

The easy answer to how many prophecies did Jesus fulfill, is all of them. The more precise number according to scholars is 333. One of the miraculous things concerning the Old Testament is that we can clearly see one picture or example pointing to Jesus after the other throughout. Not one book of the Old Testament can be read without seeing something concerning the Messiah. Only Jesus meets all...



Who wrote the Book of Romans?

The Book of Romans was written by the Apostle Paul, a Jew and a Roman citizen. This is made clear in vs.1 and vs. 7 of chapter one as he writes, “Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ...To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints.” Paul, formerly known as Saul, was an opponent and persecutor of Christians until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul mentions his conversion to...


God & Government

Was America founded on Christian values?

It is supremely evident that America was founded on Christian values. Part of the reason immigrants came to America was to seek out a place to create a government that would allow the freedom to worship, instead of having a religion forced on individuals by rulers and dictators. Here are some words from...


Ten Commandments

What does covetousness mean?

The term to covet means: Hebrew-hamad- to desire, to delight greatly in; Greek-zeloo- to burn with zeal, to be heated or boil with envy, hatred, anger. When we look at these terms and the way they are conveyed, to covet means more than to just want something. It is to want something someone else has with the desire for them to not have it, regardless of how that happens.


Christian Basics

What is Christian revival in the Church?

Christian revival in the church is not something we make happen through planning an event and setting up a tent. True revival must first happen in the hearts of believers who desire oneness with the Lord God and pursue holiness with all their might. It's when men and women like this come together, as led by the Holy Spirit, that true revival in a church can begin to take place. Revival doesn't just happen by chance...


About Jesus

How is Jesus Christ both human and divine?

Jesus is referred to in the New Testament as both the Son of God and the Son of Man. Truly, Jesus is the God-Man; fully God and at the same time fully Man. We can see this clearly as we look at the Virgin Birth, at Jesus’ miracles, at Jesus’ claims about Himself, and at the qualities of humanity.



What does the sovereignty of God mean?

Sovereignty means God is in complete control over everything He created. Unbound by time and space as we are, God sees past, present, and future all at the same time and can exist everywhere at the same time. The sovereignty of God, in its entirety, is impossible to fully understand because God is infinite, and we are finite. Yet, in God’s sovereignty and omniscience, He chose to give us some idea of the definition of sovereignty in His Word. For example...



Why must there be a mediator between Man and God?

God is holy, righteous, and just. Man is sinful, unrighteous, and unjust. Light has no fellowship with darkness. Light and dark cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Therefore, something had to be done about sin; someone had to mediate between God and Man. So, Jesus stepped in.


My Need For Jesus

What is unconditional love?

Unconditional love may sound impossible to most people, but unconditional is the only measure by which God chooses to love. The Bible shows us repeatedly how God’s love is both undeserved and impossible to earn; it is the gift of grace.


About Jesus

What are the cities of refuge in the Bible?

The cities of refuge in the Bible are spoken of at length in Numbers chapter 35 and in Joshua chapters 20 and 21. These cities were part of the cities given to the Levites, the priestly tribe, to protect a person who caused the death of another accidentally or without vicious intent. Three cities were located on the east side of the Jordan River and three cities were on the west side of the Jordan River—six cities in all.

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