What does “divinity of Jesus” mean?

We listen to the words He spoke, and we watch the actions He took as He interacted with His creation. The first thing we see in reference to Jesus’ divinity is His conception and birth. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin to save Mankind from sin (Matthew 1:20-23). We see wise men come and bring Him gifts and bow down to worship Him (Matthew 2:11). Only the divine can receive worship. Next as a young boy, He is found in the temple instructing grown men as if He were their elder (Luke 2:46-49). The wisdom by which He spoke was not like that of a man but of God. Then as a grown man, we see Jesus perform many miracles. He healed a leper (Mark 1:40-42). He healed a blind man, a miracle that had never been done before by anyone, only prophesied about in Isaiah 42:6-7 (John 9:1-7). And he raised the dead back to life (Luke 8:52-56). These are just a few proofs of Jesus’ divinity and there are many more throughout the Gospels. The greatest miracle is His own resurrection from the dead after three days in a tomb, as well as the events that followed over a 40-day period. The culmination is that He ascended to Heaven with a promise to return. The men Jesus gave His last words to continued to testify of Him until they died as martyrs. During His ministry, Jesus said things like “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). The term “I AM” is what God the Father said to Moses in Exodus 3:14. Jesus said, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30); and “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). These phrases are claims to be God and point to Jesus’ divinity. Jesus is God! Therefore, Jesus is divine.