Explore Truth Topics

What is the Relationship Between Jesus and the Scriptures?

We cannot escape the fact that the Bible points to Jesus from Genesis through Revelation; nor can we look at the life of Jesus, the Living Word, and miss the fact that He alone fulfills the vision set forth in the Bible. Clearly, Jesus Christ AND the Bible stand together as the Word of God.

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Is There Hope For America?

Jesus is America’s only hope and, for that matter, the only hope for any nation. This month at Love Worth Finding, we’re exploring biblical passages that give us both hope and instruction for praying for revival and living for Christ amid the spiritual confusion and moral relativism of current culture. Join us in holding out the hope of Jesus Christ for the nations.

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What Is Life All About?

Every human being from the beginning of time has asked the perplexing question, “What’s life all about?” The answer is short and sweet: “It’s all about Jesus!”

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How Can I Find Authentic Faith?

We were created to know God intimately and to enjoy Him personally. Yet, many believers will settle with feeling infatuated with His works, and never know Him face-to-face. Join us as we explore the truth that we were created to know God personally. Stop enduring religion and learn how to experience the fullness of fellowship with God!

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Where Can I Turn For Answers To Life's Problems?

What do I do now? Now that the storm has hit? Now that my plans have crashed? Now that the marriage has failed? Now that the diagnosis has come? If you ever ask such questions, explore the answer at Love Worth Finding: His name is Jesus! He’s God’s answer for Man’s problems.

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Where Can I Find Answers For The Deepest Questions About Faith?

“Why did Jesus choose Judas to be a disciple?” That’s just one of the tough questions we’re exploring at Love Worth Finding as we look at how The Word of God Answers Your Toughest Questions. We’ll also discuss: How can I know God is real? Is Jesus God? Is Jesus the only way to Heaven? How can I be certain the Bible is the Word of God? What is the unforgivable sin? Who crucified Jesus? And what should I do with Jesus? As always, Pastor Adrian Rogers takes his answers straight from God’s Word!

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How Can I Find An Anchor For My Life And Family In Troubled Times?

Life is fragile. Difficulties such as illnesses, accidents, betrayals, job losses, and grief batter us all. We need to be ready as individuals, couples, and families, to weather the storms. To do so, we must build our homes on the Rock, Jesus Christ. Explore with Love Worth Finding how you can stand firm, cultivate a healthy marriage, experience revival inside the doors of your own home, and reach out in Christ-like love to others.

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Are You Growing Closer To God?

Whether you’re a brand-new Christian or you’ve been walking with Jesus for a while, you need a plan—concrete steps to grow your faith so that it is rock-solid, able to hold through the fiercest storms. Explore these steps with us: learn how to live in victory and find real joy as you commit yourself fully to becoming a mature disciple of Jesus Christ

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What is the Most Important Christmas Tradition?

Everyone seems to love the sweet story of the baby in the manger but let us not forget to humble ourselves in awe before the One who is seated in glory at the right hand of the Father.

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How Does Fellowship With Jesus Make Life Better?

Jesus wants those who belong to Him to mature spiritually and walk purposefully and confidently on our way to our heavenly home. Explore this truth with us.

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