Explore Truth Topics

Are You Growing Closer To God?

Whether you’re a brand-new Christian or you’ve been walking with Jesus for a while, you need a plan—concrete steps to grow your faith so that it is rock-solid, able to hold through the fiercest storms. Explore these steps with us: learn how to live in victory and find real joy as you commit yourself fully to becoming a mature disciple of Jesus Christ

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What is the Most Important Christmas Tradition?

Everyone seems to love the sweet story of the baby in the manger but let us not forget to humble ourselves in awe before the One who is seated in glory at the right hand of the Father.

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How Does Fellowship With Jesus Make Life Better?

Jesus wants those who belong to Him to mature spiritually and walk purposefully and confidently on our way to our heavenly home. Explore this truth with us.

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What Does Jesus Desire For Us?

Jesus wants those who are His to live fully—all day, every day—from the moment He saves us on throughout eternity. He defined His purpose succinctly in John 10:10b: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

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How Can I Be a True Friend?

Love Worth Finding is exploring what it means to be a true friend, the ways in which friends can encourage one another, and how to imitate Christ by reaching out to “neighbors,” just like the Good Samaritan in the parable Jesus told in Luke 10.

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How Should I Respond to End-Times Prophecy?

Prophecy is certain; Jesus is coming again. As the days grow darker (Pastor Rogers would say “gloriously dark”), the enemy works to persecute believers and to gather souls for Hell.

As we wait for the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ, the shared mission of every believer to bring people to Jesus and to encourage one another in the faith is urgent.

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Why Are the Ten Commandments Important?

Love Worth Finding is exploring the Ten Commandments, one by one, concentrating on how each may be applied, specifically in the home. We’ll examine each commandment with Pastor Adrian Rogers, using his original message series titled, “A Perfect Ten for Homes that Win.”

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Are You Afraid of Death?

Are you afraid of death? If so, you’re not alone; most people are! Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the grave provide eternal life for all those who will receive it.

Pastor Adrian Rogers says that for those who know Christ, death is but a shadow, and it is a shadow Jesus walks through with us.

We’ll look at two Scripture passages—1 Corinthians Chapter 15 in the New Testament, and Isaiah Chapter 53 in the Old Testament—to understand the reality of the resurrection and eternal life for every person who believes in Jesus as Savior and Lord.

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Do We Have Victory in Jesus?

We are exploring the truth that God has given us everything we need for the victorious Christian life, but we must wake up, suit up, and pray up!

We must utilize what God has already given us, heed the wake-up call in the Book of Romans, dress in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, learn to pray “effectually,” and work for unity among believers.

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How Can We Come Together?

We are exploring the concept of God’s love making us one. “Whether you’re married or not, Pastor Rogers said, “you’re part of society, and society is not going to be any stronger than its homes.”

While we will primarily be talking about husbands and wives—their relationship and their roles in the family—there are numerous biblical examples of God’s love engendering close fellowship. God’s love made Ruth and Naomi one in their faithfulness to care for one another. That same love from and for God brought unity to the home of siblings Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, Jesus’ friends at Bethany. The Church as a whole relies on One Lord to make us one in brotherhood and mission. Just as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one, oneness is the divine design not just for marriage but for all of God’s people.

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