How can I find an anchor for my life and family in troubled times?

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”

John 13:34

Build Your Life And Your Home On The Rock: Jesus Christ

Life is fragile. Difficulties such as illnesses, accidents, betrayals, job losses, and grief are part of every person’s experience. We need to be ready as individuals, couples, and families, to weather the storms. And to do that we must build our homes on the Rock, Jesus Christ. We must recognize God as our authority and exercise godly authority in our homes. When we’ve done so, we can cultivate healthy environments in our homes. Revival inside the doors of our own homes can spread to our churches, our communities, and beyond as we demonstrate Christ-like love to others.

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“If you can be a Christian at home, you can be a Christian anywhere.”

Adrian Rogers

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Preaching and Teaching Resources

For each of the video messages related to this truth, we have combined the sermon overview, outline, and transcript into one PDF document. This document can be used for research and learning as you teach others about God. Simply click on a title to download the preaching and teaching resource.

Featured Bible Study


The cultural idea of family has changed dramatically in the past several years. Divorce, same-sex unions, and cohabitation are commonplace. But God’s plan hasn’t changed. He created marriage between one man and one woman for life as the foundation of human society and as a reflection of His perfect love. Find out in this nine-week Bible study how God’s Word provides the principles we need to be able to build strong families that honor Him.

“Home is the university of life with parents as the professors, children as students, and life as the lab.”

Adrian Rogers

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