What does the Bible say about doubting God? There are two areas of doubt: good doubt and bad doubt. Here are some definitions of doubt: to be uncertain about; to consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe; to distrust; to regard with suspicion. Let’s look at Scripture and see what it says about these definitions.
READ MOREThe question of why Jesus was crucified can be viewed from various angles: the cultural angle, the religious angle, the political angle, and the prophetic angle. Yet, in the end, it must be viewed from the ultimate angle, the sin angle. Let’s take a moment and look at each one.
READ MORETo answer this question, we need to look at three things: the prophecy, the philosophy, and the hypocrisy. What was said prior to the events happening, what the teachers of that day wrongly taught about the Messiah, and what Judas chose on his own to do. So, grab a Bible, and let’s begin.
READ MOREBlasphemy against the Holy Spirit is mentioned in two passages in the New Testament. Both describe the act of the willful rejection of the Holy Spirit’s promptings to receive Jesus as Savior. Let’s look at both passages and see specifically what God’s Word says.
READ MOREThe easy answer is yes, Jesus is the Son of God, but at the same time, Jesus is God. We need to understand when answering this question that the Bible describes God for us in a way that we can grasp. Can we fully understand God? No. To fully understand God would be to put us on the same level as He is. We are in no way on the same level as God; Scripture makes that clear. Isaiah 55:9 says, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” However, relationships and family order are things we can grasp and understand, and God has used those things to reveal Himself to us. Get your Bible and let’s look into this a little deeper.
READ MOREThe conviction of the Holy Spirit is vital to a believer’s spiritual growth. The conviction of the Holy Spirit brings awareness to things we need to change, get rid of, or focus on, in our walk with Jesus. In John chapter 16, Jesus speaks to this and gives us some of the ways the Holy Spirit convicts us. Read verses 8-15 before continuing. Now let’s look at what Jesus told us.
READ MORE(Please take note that you will need your Bible for references.) The number one way to have a strong family is to make sure each member of the family is in the proper position. Jesus is the most important member of a strong family and must come first to every other member. Next in line are mom and dad. They have their own individual roles as well, but position-wise they are next in line because they are one. (See Ephesians 5:31.) The children come after that and then any extended family. Within these positions are responsibilities for each party.
READ MOREWhat is servant leadership? Servant leadership is marked by three specific characteristics that we see in Jesus, our perfect example. These characteristics are humility, selflessness, and compassion. To see Jesus to imitate these, we don’t have to look very far into the New Testament.
READ MOREHow can I deal with difficult people? There are a multitude of ways to deal with difficult people. However, dealing with them in a way that honors the Lord is where it takes great character and strength. Jesus spoke to this in Matthew 5. The instructions given to us here require a deep and growing relationship with Jesus. Let’s look at what He says.
READ MOREHow do you overcome adversity? Each of us will face adversity in one way or another at one time or another and the Bible graciously gives us ways to face it. Here are four ways to face adversity in your life: Utilize the power of prayer, the wealth of wisdom, the firmness of friendship, and the fortitude of faith. Let’s look at what God’s Word says about each.
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