Daily Devotionals

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May 1 • John 15:14-17

The Wonderful Opportunity of Friendship with God

Consider the elevating honor of being a friend of the Lord Jesus Christ. And He sought us out; He took the initiative. Truly, this is nearly too wonderful to believe.


April 30 • Psalm 119:97

How Spiritually Healthy Are You?

When you have a regimen of getting into the Word of God and feeding your soul, you may not see an immediate or dramatic change, but you will be changed for eternity. Spiritual health begins with quality time in the presence of God.


April 29 • Galatians 2:20

How Do You Show Jesus to Others?

We must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Not only must the Holy Spirit of God be present as resident, but He needs to be president. When this happens, the world sees Jesus in me.


April 28 • Romans 8:29-30

Purposed to Be Like Jesus

When you are saved, your life changes. Now you have a new purpose: to be like Jesus.


April 27 • Romans 8:24-28

Comparing Suffering to Future Glory

The suffering we endure in this life, we do not endure alone. We have a “Helper,” the Holy Spirit. Suffering is temporary, but the glory we anticipate is eternal.


April 26 • Genesis 2:7

You Are Intricately Designed by God

God designed and formed every bit of you, down to the very detail of the cells in your body. Reflecting on the intricacy and brilliance of God’s creation should lead us to praise.


April 25 • Romans 8:22-23

Are You Living in Defeat?

Our great God who has redeemed us is going to turn every hurt to a hallelujah, every tear to a pearl, every Calvary to an Easter, and every sunset to a sunrise when Jesus comes. That’s why we can hope.


April 24 • Romans 8:18-21

Will God Destroy Evil?

Rather than destroy evil, God has defeated evil so that we can be restored to Him. And in this, He has shown us the greatest love.


April 23 • Ephesians 6:7-8

“Non-Ministry” Jobs are Still Ministry

You are serving God full-time wherever you go, no matter how mundane or routine your vocation might be.


April 22 • Ephesians 6:5-6

Does Your Daily Routine Glorify God?

As a Christian, there is no distinction between spiritual work and secular work. Your daily routine of work at home, school, or a job is considered a service and an act of glorifying God.

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