April 7, 2025
Adrian Rogers
Scripture Passage: Ruth 2
After losing her husband in a pagan land, Ruth made the wise choice to stay with her mother-in-law and continue worshiping the one true God. God honored her choice and lavished His amazing grace upon her by way of Boaz.
Ruth 2:1 says, “There was a relative of Naomi’s husband, a man of great wealth, of the family of Elimelech. His name was Boaz…”
The love story of Ruth and Boaz is a beautiful portrait of Jesus Christ’s love for the Church.
Because of her husband’s death, the law of the land claimed a curse upon Ruth. Boaz, a mighty man of great wealth, was a close kinsman of Ruth’s family. If willing, he could redeem her from financial bankruptcy and provide for Ruth in her weakened condition.
Adrian Rogers says, “The law excluded her, but grace included her.”
In the same way, Jesus is our near kinsman who willingly took on flesh and blood to be made like us in order to redeem us.
As a young, penniless widow, Ruth went to work in Boaz’s fields just in time for the barley harvest. Ruth showed up in the fields at the exact right time because God is sovereign, and He has a plan.
God has taken the initiative with us, and continues to seek us through Scripture, our sufferings, and His servants.
This mimics how God satisfies our every need and provides for His children to further His kingdom.
Ruth was now safe and secure under the watchful protection of her kinsman redeemer. And in Jesus Christ, we are not only saved and satisfied; we are forever secure.
Ruth was not placed in the fields of Boaz by accident. Likewise, you are not in your current circumstance by chance. Pray for God’s guidance and rest assured that He is with you, and He has a plan for your life.