Scripture Writing Plans

"Study with pen in hand..." - Pastor Adrian Rogers

Writing Scripture can be one of the easiest ways to focus on the Lord and His Word. For less than 10 minutes a day, we encourage you to take one of these Scripture Writing Plans and really focus on that day's specific passage. There are several options. Which plan will you start with?

Adrian Rogers said, “The weakest ink is better than the best memory. Study with pen in hand.”

Grab your pen and Bible and get into the Word of God!

Ten Commandments

Teaching the Ten Commandments

God’s Ten Commandments will strengthen your family, but you must learn and teach them. Spend the next 30 days writing and memorizing this perfect set of commands along with Scripture that shows you how to teach these commands to your children and grandchildren.

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The Names of God

Spend 30 days meditating on Scriptures that explore some of the Names of God in the Bible. Write the Scriptures out and pray to God using some of the names He's given for Himself that describe His character and His action in the lives of His children.

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God's Promises for Eternal Life

Spend the next 30 days saturating yourself in Scripture that will reassure you of God’s preparation for your future in eternity and of His amazing promise to take away every fear…even the fear of death.

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Together As One

Enjoy 28 days of unity as you copy and contemplate Scriptures related to growing together as one in marriage, family relations, and harmony and unity in the Body of Christ.

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A Giving Heart

The Christmas season should be focused on giving to others, and many jump on the occasion because of the spirit of the season. Because God gave and Jesus ministered to so many, our hearts should reflect that same giving spirit. Spend the month of December writing down verses all about having a giving heart.

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Testimonies of Faith from God's Champions

In these 31 Scriptures, we will explore the testimonies of faith made by these champions and how we can learn from their proclamations. Each story can encourage our own. As you write these Scriptures, meditate on the truths proclaimed and seek to understand the character of God.

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Struggles & Suffering

Finding Peace in Your Storm

Life is unpredictable, but God rules over life’s storms, enabling us to find peace regardless of circumstances. God is in control, even when our storms seem out of control. In this life, we will suffer. We will go through storms, but God has promised to walk through them with us. As you write these Scriptures, our prayer is that you will be filled with God’s peace.

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He is Risen: Reflecting on the Resurrection

Take this time to truly celebrate the significance of Easter. Christ died for us and conquered the grave. His resurrection is the reason we can have joy and hope in this world. Jesus lives and He lives in us! Write out these 30 Scriptures and reflect on the importance of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

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Responding to God in Faith

Faith is the heart’s response to God’s character. Read these verses and write them down. As you write, ask God to attract your heart to Him. Seek to understand how you can have more faith in God. 

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Walk in Faith

No one can ever truly achieve perfection when it comes to walking with God! It is a constant discipline, a daily surrender, and an active desire to grow. God encourages us in Scripture to remain in His Word and to actively seek Him. For less than 10 minutes a day, you can learn more about what a walk of faith looks like.

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