God's Amazing Grace Bible Study

God's Amazing Grace Bible Study

from the messages of Adrian Rogers




“Amazing grace how sweet the sound; That saved a wretch like me; I once was lost, but now I’m found; Was blind but now I see.”

This is one of the most familiar hymns in the whole world. It has been sung in many places and on many occasions. But when things become familiar, we often take them for granted. Do we really understand just how amazing God’s grace toward us is? 

Understanding what grace is and how it works leads to freedom and victory in the Christian life. It helps us to avoid being legalists, perfectionists, and extremists, and encourages us to love others the way God loves us. 

This study takes a deep dive into grace to understand what it is and what it is not. When you truly  understand, you can’t help but sing at the top of your lungs about God’s amazing grace.

Each study follows Pastor Rogers' guide to studying the Bible: Pray Over It. Ponder It. Put It in Writing. Practice It. Proclaim It.

  • 8-week Bible study
  • paperback
  • includes a discussion guide
  • 136 pages
  • 5.5" x 8.5"