Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. The most recent include both the media outline and transcript. Some only have the outline available. The content is published based on our broadcasting schedule. If you are looking for a total collection of our archival sermon transcripts, navigate to the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection to download transcripts by book of the Bible. 

1 Samuel 18:1-4

The Formula for Friendship Sermon Outline

A true friend is of great value, and worth the find. 1 Samuel 18 provides a vignette of David and Jonathan, and the fortune they found in their friendship. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the formula for a beautiful friendship.


1 Samuel 17:45-54

Don't Be Defeated by Your Victories Sermon Outline

Because King David lived by purpose, progression and power, he saw many victories. But victory can be dangerous if we don’t know how to receive it. In this message, Adrian Rogers shows how David demonstrated wisdom in victory.


1 Samuel 17:3-11

Live Like a King in Victory Sermon Outline

The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 teaches us how to deal with the giants in our lives. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals God’s plan for His children is to live like kings and queens in victory.


Romans 8:28-39

Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People? Outline and Transcript

The Bible says there is no good person, not one. Every good thing we have is due to the grace of God, in spite of our sins. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals four promises in Romans 8 that explain why good things happen to bad people like us.


Romans 9

Predestined for Hell? Absolutely Not! Outline and Transcript

Are some predestined for Hell? Absolutely not! In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals three things we need to know about the character and nature of God that will bring our theology into sharp focus.


Romans 8:11, 18

Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs Outline and Transcript

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is what turns every hurt into a hallelujah. And that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells in us. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the grace that covers our guilt, and the glory that waits at the end of our suffering.


Romans 8:26-28

Prayer Outline and Transcript

As Christians, prayer is our greatest privilege, yet our greatest failure; knowing this, God has given us a Great Helper. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how the Holy Spirit helps us in prayer.


Romans 8:9

Getting to Know Your Best Friend Sermon Outline

The distinguishing mark of a Christian is the Holy Spirit in him. In this message, Adrian Rogers identifies how the Holy Spirit ministers to us, as a spirit of life, of Christ, and of adoption.


Romans 8:28-31

You Can Be Sure Outline and Transcript

Salvation, from start to finish, is of the Lord. It is only by the grace of God that we can be sure of our salvation. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals five foundational facts on which our faith rests.


Romans 5:6-9

There is So Much More Outline and Transcript

If we don’t understand the bad news of sin, we’re not ready for the Good News of the Gospel -- that there is so much more that we’ve gained through Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals what we lose in the kingdom of Adam, and what we gain in the Kingdom of Christ.

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