Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

When Your Faith Fails

Abraham is known for his faith. But even Abraham struck some spiritual potholes. Faith isn't positive thinking, following a hunch, or being optimistic. What is it then? Join Adrian Rogers for this study of true faith and find out!...

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Adrian Rogers

The Authority Crisis in America

Our nation today is in the same dire straits as Israel in the last 3 chapters of the book of Judges. What you will hear may shock you, but it's a wake-up call to all of us! It's vital that we do all we can to allow God to bring His healing ...

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Adrian Rogers

Don't Play With Fire

Fire in worship was a symbol of God’s glory, power, and majesty. God gave careful instructions on how He should be worshipped. True worship requires the right mandate—commanded of God; the right motive—to give glory to God; and the right me...

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Adrian Rogers

The Second Mile

When Jesus told us to “go the second mile,” He knew this was the key to living a Christ-centered life. When we return good for evil, we overcome evil with good and “heap coals of fire” on the enemy’s head. Learn what will happen in your lif...

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Adrian Rogers

"Christmas is Spelled G-R-A-C-E"

If not for the birth of Jesus, your birthday would only mean you are one year closer to death and judgment. But God, full of mercy, sent His Son. Though He was rich in His person, position, power, and possessions, He left all that behind, s...

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Adrian Rogers

The Enemies of Revival

The America we once knew is gone. We’re living in the midst of a crisis. Enemies of the gospel, many forces that would hold us back from revival, hate all we stand for. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals who they are and what the Church...

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Adrian Rogers

The Day Death Died

Today's message looks at the death of death. Yes, Adrian Rogers explains how death is a defeated foe and how Jesus took the gloom out of the grave, and has given us a hope that is steadfast and sure....

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Adrian Rogers

How to Handle Temptation

There are three ways to handle temptation and two of them are wrong! Learn the right way as Adrian Rogers shares 5 foolproof principles. If you follow them, the devil is going down to defeat, and you're going up!...

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Adrian Rogers

The Problem with Pride

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: Proverbs 16:18 The problem with pride is that it is a dangerous and deceptive sin. Nothing brings more destruction to our nation, homes, and relationships than a prideful spirit. Adrian Rogers says, “Prid...

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Adrian Rogers

Let's Talk About God

Is there any subject more majestic than that of God Himself--who He is and what He is like? Yet many of us know ABOUT Him, but we don't know what He's really like. Adrian Rogers brings the puzzle pieces to the table and helps us see the tru...

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