Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 7:37-39 Most of us have had all the religion we can stand; what we actually need is a personal, vital relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We need to stop enduring religion and start enjoyi...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Reference: John 15:12-25 It is a privilege to call Jesus our friend—to know Him intimately as a close companion. John 15:12-25 highlights five things about our friendship with Jesus: what it means, and what it mak...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Psalm 119:97 Psalm 119:97 says, “O how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day.” Because it is Jesus Christ Himself who makes us more like Him, it is crucial to spend quality time with Him and in H...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Genesis 2:7 If you have “unction,” it means you have the power of God upon your life, energized and directed by the Holy Spirit of God. To understand how to function with unction, we must first understand ...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Romans 8:18-23 If we live long enough on this Earth, we will know sorrow, disappointment, and pain in a personal way. Suffering is inevitable, and if we aren’t careful, it can consume us. If we want to ma...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: Ephesians 6:5-8 As Christians, we have the chance to put joy, zest, and dignity into the most mundane jobs. God can turn our Monday mornings into a thing of beauty and joy. There are three principles to d...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: 1 John 2:12-14 A growing Christian is a maturing Christian because spiritual maturity is becoming more like Jesus. Some Christians are saved but aren’t growing. We will never know true victory and joy unle...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 11 The Book of John shares Jesus’ glorious miracles with great messages and spiritual truths. In John 11, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, revealing that He is God’s answer to Man’s death. “Jesus s...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 6:15 Trouble is what draws us closer to Jesus and strengthens us to face life’s storms. In John 6, Jesus’ disciples were caught up in a treacherous storm, when suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the S...
Listen NowSermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 20:30 Adrian Rogers says, “Man’s greatest need is to see his own spiritual blindness.” When He healed the man born blind in John 9, Jesus revealed that He is God’s answer to Man’s darkness. First, th...
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