Audio Programs

Adrian Rogers

Jesus, the Light of the World

Sermon Overview Scripture Passage: John 1:1-9 Luke 1:78-79 says, “Through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on high has visited us; to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our fe...

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Adrian Rogers

Christmas is Spelled L-O-V-E

Christmas has become a time of getting, but Dr. Rogers is going to give a little spelling lesson, and you'll learn that Christmas IS spelled "L-O-V-E. We're going to be reminded of what true love is as he helps us examine our hearts this ho...

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Adrian Rogers

Unmasking Satan's Lies

You'll never be a victorious Christian until you understand your enemy, Satan, the father of lies. In this vital message, Dr. Rogers exposes four of Satan's biggest lies and how each one assaults the character and nature of God. This messag...

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Adrian Rogers

How to Practice the Presence of God

Dr. Rogers said there was no subject he'd rather talk about more, or that meant more to him personally than how to practice the presence of God. You do not come to church to be spiritual. You bring your spiritual life with you into church f...

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Adrian Rogers

How to Weather the Storms of Life

Why is it important to build on a firm foundation? So you will be able to stand strong and safely weather whatever storms come your way. Join Adrian Rogers as he shares with you what he has discovered about building the foundation that weat...

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Adrian Rogers

Beware the Wolves

How do you recognize a false prophet? These wolves are both dangerous and deceptive. We cannot be wise and not beware. Adrian Rogers offers several tests that will help you discern the false from the true and reveal who is a genuine spokesm...

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Adrian Rogers

The Holy Highway

There are two roads to choose between, and every person living must make this choice. The road you choose will lead to the rest of your life and determine your final destination. Join Adrian Rogers today as he helps you get on the road that...

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Adrian Rogers

The Power of Prevailing Prayer

One day you will come to a time of crisis when the most important thing on earth will be getting an answer to your prayer. Find out what Jesus meant when He said "Ask, seek and knock." If God promises to answer, why are our prayers so often...

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Adrian Rogers

When Yardsticks Become Boomerangs

We all have our yardsticks, the measures we use to judge others. But Jesus warns us to be careful; the standard we use, God will use to judge us! On the other hand, He was certainly not telling us to stop evaluating things. How, then, do we...

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Adrian Rogers

The Incredible Power of Proper Priorities, Part 2

You could put the problem in most people's lives in one sentence: the failure to put first things first. When you put first things first, Jesus, you cannot fail. If you don't, you cannot succeed. God has given us a solemn promise in Matthew...

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