Daily Devotional
A time to doubt or a time to trust?

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. 2 Timothy 3:14

In the last days Satan is going to come, and there are going to be more miracles than you have ever seen. Most of them will not be done by God but will be done by the power of darkness—the power of Satan. The Bible says that you can look for an explosion of the occult.

Thank God we don’t have to face these days without hope. God tells us what we must do in His Word. We are to remember what we’ve learned and to take His promises to heart. This will not be a time to doubt Him but to trust Him with all that we are.

How is your personal study time in God’s Word going? Start this week to incorporate at least one hour of personal time in God’s Word to study its promises, prophecies, and applications.


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