Daily Devotional
You Are Never Too Far for God to Reach

“Then she lulled him to sleep on her knees, and called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his head. Then she began to torment him, and his strength left him. And she said, ‘The Philistines are upon you, Samson!’ So he awoke from his sleep, and said, “I will go out as before, at other times, and shake myself free!” But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.”

Judges 16:19-20

Ponder This

Many people today find themselves without the power of God but don’t realize it. They were once faithful deacons, Sunday school teachers, and evangelists, but they have so compromised and played in sin that the power of God is gone from them, and they don’t even know it. It is scary to think I could come and stand and preach or minister without that anointing and power of God. It’s scary to think about how many there are who have begun in the Spirit and ended in the flesh. What is beautiful about God is that this point of despair does not have to be the end of the story.

Even in his lowest moment, Samson began to pray to God (Judges 16:28). He began to repent. God had brought him low, but his eyes that were physically blind began to open spiritually. He came to God and pleaded for one more chance. I don’t care what you may have done, our God is a God of mercy. Our God is a God of forgiveness. Our God is a God of the second chance. Don’t believe the lie that you’ve gone too far from His grace.

  • When have you cried out to God in repentance? How can this serve as a reminder of God’s ongoing grace in your life?
  • What is your relationship with God like right now? How do you need to respond if you realize you aren’t where you thought you were?

Practice This

Talk to a mentor or trusted friend and ask him or her to share areas where you may be depending on your own strength over the Lord’s.


What is the mission of the Church?

Love Worth Finding's newest book, "A Final Charge to the Church, "is based on the final series of messages Pastor Rogers preached before retiring in 2005. Pastor Rogers wanted to prepare his congregation for the future. In doing so, he provided a biblically sound blueprint that applies to all Christians on topics including unity among believers, standing strong in opposition to the enemy (Satan), the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives, steadfastness in prayer, true worship, faithfulness to God's Word, caring for others, and the kingdom authority given to believers in Jesus Christ. The book is a great read for all believers who want to become better prepared, as the bride of Christ, to be radiant, pure, and faithful to Jesus, the living Word of God.