Daily Devotional
See Beyond the Present into the Future

The government cannot make us better; only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can do that.

Habakkuk 2:3-4

Ponder This

Habakkuk had been praying and praying, wondering “Why is Heaven silent? Why doesn’t God hear my prayer?” Then he realized a foundational truth for those who follow God: ln such a day, they just are going to have to live by faith.

Put your faith in God, believing that He is King evermore. That’s how you’ll live in this day and age. Faith is what keeps us going in dark days. Faith sees beyond the physical to the spiritual, beyond the present to the future, beyond the temporary to the eternal. Faith does not judge by the appearance of the hour.

Don’t lose your faith. If we want better land and life, we have to live by faith. The government cannot make us better; only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can do that.

Practice This

In these desperate days, every child of God must get quiet in God’s presence. Get centered on Him and Him alone. Listen to what He has to say. As He told the Israelites in Isaiah 30:15: “For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.’ But you would not.”

Let’s not make the same mistake.


Believe in Miracles But Trust in Jesus


Have you found the answer to your deepest need? You can find your answer in Jesus! This book will change the way you view God and His work in our lives.