August 13 • Acts 4:13

Are You Bold to Speak Out for Christ?

Holy boldness is not self-confidence, human courage, or arrogance. True holy boldness begins with humility, surrender, and obedience.


Acts 4:1-3, 13

The Secret of Holy Boldness Outline and Legacy Collection

Do you wish to have more courage when you share your faith in Jesus with others? In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the secret of holy boldness, so that we may be good stewards of our faith in Jesus Christ.


August 12 • Acts 3:19

Are You Experiencing Refreshment in Jesus?

Refreshing comes from the presence of the Lord, but if there is no repenting, there is no refreshing.


Acts 3:1-10

The Keys to a Beautiful Life Outline and Legacy Collection

Acts 3 tells the story of Peter and John healing the lame man at the gate of the temple in Jesus’ name. As a result, perhaps twenty thousand people came to know Jesus Christ! In this message, Adrian Rogers identifies three keys to take from this passage in order to live a beautiful life.


August 11 • Matthew 5:14-16

Are You Arguing the Case of Christ?

We don’t have to argue the case of Christ to others. We are called to be a witness, to tell others what He has done in our life.


August 10 • Galatians 2:20

Are You Available for God to Use?

Bringing the world to Christ is not your responsibility; it is your response to His ability. We have a mission impossible. Only He can fulfill the mission through us.


August 9 • John 14:16-18

Are You Relying on the Holy Spirit Today?

The way I can know I’m saved is that I’m now believing in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.


Acts 2:1-13

The Ingredients of a Church Aflame Outline and Legacy Collection

On the day of Pentecost, 120 disciples received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares the ingredients of this early church aflamed so that we can set our own ablaze for His glory.


August 8 • Acts 2:37-39

Whose Job Is It to Convict a Heart of Sin?

Conviction from the Lord that leads one to repentance will also result in conversion and confession.


Acts 1:1-9

The Pathway to Power Outline and Legacy Collection

The Book of Acts tells the story of the early church that did so much with so little. We need to understand what they did and how they did it, so that we can walk on the pathway to power. In this message, Adrian Rogers explains the secret to their success so we can make much use of the resources God has given us.

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