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Here are a few other materials you might find helpful. Let's pray courageously and collectively for our nation. America is at a crossroads of morality and spirituality and we cannot afford to take it lightly.

Message by Adrian Rogers

America is at a crossroads of morality and spirituality and we cannot afford to take it lightly. Our nation has been taken captive by the world, the flesh, and the devil. In times of crisis, we remember that our greatest resource is prayer, and our only hope for this country is God.

The Battle for the Soul of America

Does character really count in the world of human government? What are our individual responsibilities regarding a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” What does that really mean? Does the Bible have anything to say about these topics?

Request your copy for a gift of any amount.

8 Days of Prayer for our Country

We’ve put together a simple guide covering eight days of prayer. It contains short devotionals, prayer points for each day, key Bible verses, and questions for reflection and journaling. Download the prayer guide below at no cost as a guide to help you specifically pray for our country.